How does this work?

Step 1: Initial Consultation / Assessment

  An initial meeting to discuss your needs and the services we can provide.
$ Free
Step 2: Initial cost estimate and project plan
$ Free
  For an accurate estimate, we need to have detailed information about your web site or project. This could take one or several meetings/emails to come up with a requirements list and project plan. We will provide an initial cost estimate after we have enough information.  
Step 3: Planning, designing, & building  
  Glyphic Solutions generally requires a down payment of 1/4-1/3 of the initial web package or cost estimate to start work. Depending on the length or extent of the project, this fee may fluctuate. We will work with you along the way - showing you samples to ensure a quality product.
by Package or Quote
Step 4: Your project goes live!  
  We will work with you until your web site goes live or software solution is deployed. The balance of any outstanding fees will be due on this date.
by Package or Quote
Step 5: Continued Updates & Maintenance  
  We will be available for updates and maintenance at a standard hourly rate.
By Quote